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Showing posts from February, 2021


Snowflakes exploded above Athens & the surrounding Attica area last Tuesday, 16/02/21, and snowed us in. To be snowed in, even briefly, is to let time pass and the mind to be taken over by the whiteness. So, this week, photos replace words - which every now & then anyway happens with this blog!                                                                                     


If you walk in between the shadows of the city that are now standing still if you let yourself stay seated on the empty benches of the park now that February nights feel like the heart of spring if from that position you notice the very few airplanes rising higher against the dark blanket that we call the night sky if you read closely the messages shaped on the dusty windscreens of old cars; I wonder will you know the shadows have grown fond of us and we have grown to resemble them? February 2021, Athens. Photograph: park scene at night ; 5 Feb. ‘21, Korydallos.